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Taking the popularity of the restyled NaviLED 360 Compact All Round / Anchor lamp Hella marine has expanded the product family with pole mounted versions with fixed, fold down and plug-in base options.


Using only high performance materials the NaviLED 360 Compact series is long term durable in demanding marine environments.


A power consumption of less than 1W power offers exceptional power efficiency for a 2 NM all round anchor lamp.


Each lamp is completely sealed (IP67) and manufactured using Swiss Made Grilamid with unsurpassed properties. Long term stability against UV degradation coupled with high impact and chemical resistant meaning these lamps will not yellow, become embrittled or corrode.


Internationally approved the NaviLED 360 series meets the requirements of COLREG, USCG, ABYC-16, RCD and WHEELMARK. MultivoltTM circuitry provides constant illumination and circuit protection from 9-33V DC.


White Base.

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BEZMAKSAS: Savu preci Jūs varat saņemt mūsu ofisā / veikalā Krasta ielā 7. Prece jāizņem trīs darba dienu laikā pēc tam, kad klientu konsultants Jūs ir informējis (pa tālruni vai e-pastu), ka Jūsu pasūtījums ir sagatavots.

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