Boat spotlights

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NaviLED 360. Сами навигационные огни по своим характеристикам полностью идентичны навигационным огням NaviLEDPRO. Благодаря светодиодам потребление тока составляет только 10% от обычных ламп. Технология Multivolt 9 - 33 В. Все ог ни полностью водонепроницаемы, мачты изготовлены из ульрафиолетово- и коррозионно-стойких материалов. Срок службы светодиодов превышает 50000 часов. мачта с креплением на палубу длиной 8”.


Hella marine LED technology has no filaments to break making NaviLED lamps extremely shock and vibration proof for reliability and safety in demanding conditions.


Each NaviLED lamp is a completely sealed unit, highly UV and corrosion resistant. High impact housings ensure durability from waves and impact

- Minimum Visible Distance 2 Nautical Miles (Yachts and Powerboats)

- Multivolt 9-33V DC, Power Consumption less than 1,5 W

- Approvals: IMO Col Reg 72, RINA, USCG, ABYC A-16, Maritime NZ

Delivery terms:

When executing the order, you may choose one of the following manners to receive the products:

FREE: You can receive your product in our office / store at Krasta iela 7. The product must be received within three business days after the customer consultant of has informed you (over the telephone or by e-mail) that your order has been prepared.

COURIER: After receipt of payment in our account we will dispatch the product to you within one business day with a DPD courier to the address specified in the order. The term of delivery is 1 – 3 business days. The term depends on the region of Latvia. More

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