Boat spotlights
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Светодиодный встраиваемый светильник не требует установки дополнительного выключателя, включение и выключение светильника, а также регулировка яркости производится легким касанием стекла по центру. Наружный размер Ø 75 мм, монтажный диаметр Ø 60 мм, монтажная глубина 15 мм, монтируется без крепежа на фиксаторах. Напряжение 12 В.
Delivery terms:
When executing the order, you may choose one of the following manners to receive the products:
FREE: You can receive your product in our office / store at Krasta iela 7. The product must be received within three business days after the customer consultant of has informed you (over the telephone or by e-mail) that your order has been prepared.
COURIER: After receipt of payment in our account we will dispatch the product to you within one business day with a DPD courier to the address specified in the order. The term of delivery is 1 – 3 business days. The term depends on the region of Latvia. More